Saturday, October 6, 2007

San Francisco

I was just looking through all my pictures and I realized that some of you might be interested in seeing Robbie's mostly unfinished apartment in San Francisco. These pics were taken over a week ago and from what I hear there has been lots of progress made since I left (yes, it's true everyone, Robbie can get things done without me!) The apartment is in Potrero Hill, which is just a bit south of Mission Bay, where Robbie started his postdoc at UCSF this past week. It has a great view of the Mission and the rest of the city. Unfortunately, this means it's located on the top of a GIANT hill. Never in my life have I seen hills like San Francisco. What the hell were the city planners thinking? Anyway, it's fine, but it makes for a pretty intense walk to and from the coffee shop. Maybe walking up hills can replace the gym for me when I head out there...

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