Thursday, September 6, 2007

Get blog tonight

(K) Hello interweb. Because our lives are phenomenally interesting and our opinions valued by all, we have decided to start a blog. We are departing on a cross-country journey on Monday September 10th. Stay tuned for our adventures!

(R) Prepare to be underwhelmed.


Stacy said...

I have subscribed to your blog so I expect frequent updates. :) (otherwise my google homepage would be very lonely)

Vicky said...

Tally ho!

mom said...

Hey guys, I am officially BLOGGING , how exciting. Hope you're both still awake and haven't killed each other yet (it's way too soon for that). I'll check again later to see where you are. love,MOM

shannon said...

hey kirs and robbie when i heard that you were going to start a blog i was so excited i will make sure to check in all the time your gonna post pictures too right?? i will keep checking in see ya and have fun

OneDad said...

I'm diving in - hope the pool if full. K is a race car driver and R has learned his lessons well. The South will never be the same.

other dad said...

Dear Sir and Maam, Your trip so far sounds facinating. It sounds like K is ready for Nascar. Robbie, I still have not been called "Sir" and it's a good thing. Drive safe Love, Dad